CS471: Computer Science Pedagogy - CS Across the Disciplines (100 Points)

Assignment Goals

The goals of this assignment are:
  1. To explore the benefits and risks of infusing computing education and computational thinking into the teaching and learning of other disciplines
  2. To identify possible synergistic infusions of computational thinking across the disciplines, and to expand upon one in depth

Background Reading and References

Please refer to the following readings and examples offering templates to help get you started:

The Assignment

In this assignment, you will write and submit an article reflecting upon the potential applicability of CS curricular material in a non-CS classroom (either a traditional subject area, in an environment for English language learners, in support of social-emotional learning, or in a special education setting), and how inclusive pedagogy can be used to design an accessible learning environment for all learners.

Computing and computational thinking are ubiquitous skills for all learners. One need not pursue a degree in computer science to benefit from the applied scientific mindset and tools for automation that computing provides. However, it is also the case that many schools are unable to offer computing education to their students directly. Additionally, computing fits well into a variety of application domains; it is possible that one could teach computing in the context of those domains by fitting it into those classes, enhancing the teaching and learning of both.

This idea is not without risk. It is possible that the treatment of computing in those disciplines is superficial, and becomes a barrier to learning both computing and the application domain. It may also be the case that teachers of those disciplines are comfortable with the way they teach their field, and do not feel they would benefit from the additional time and effort required to teach computing.

In this article, you will explore these potential issues by reading and synthesizing relevant literature. The article by Pollock et al, and its references, are a useful (but not exhaustive) place to begin. You should identify both the opportunities and risks to this approach, and where risks exist, comment upon ways to mitigate them. For example, how might we create a more supportive environment to teach computing as a ubiquitous skill? What resources might we share to facilitate the ubiquitous teaching of computing? Learn about the strengths and weaknesses, and envision the possibilities based upon your conclusions.

Cite your sources using a consistent citation standard format (such as APA, MLA, etc). There is not a set limit upon the number of pages or the number of references you cite; however, a thorough treatment of the question is expected. Follow the guidance afforded by the references you consult (including Pollock).


In your submission, please include answers to any questions asked on the assignment page in your README file. If you wrote code as part of this assignment, please describe your design, approach, and implementation in your README file as well. Finally, include answers to the following questions:
  • Describe what you did, how you did it, what challenges you encountered, and how you solved them.
  • Please answer any questions found throughout the narrative of this assignment.
  • If collaboration with a buddy was permitted, did you work with a buddy on this assignment? If so, who? If not, do you certify that this submission represents your own original work?
  • Please identify any and all portions of your submission that were not originally written by you (for example, code originally written by your buddy, or anything taken or adapted from a non-classroom resource). It is always OK to use your textbook and instructor notes; however, you are certifying that any portions not designated as coming from an outside person or source are your own original work.
  • Approximately how many hours it took you to finish this assignment (I will not judge you for this at all...I am simply using it to gauge if the assignments are too easy or hard)?
  • Your overall impression of the assignment. Did you love it, hate it, or were you neutral? One word answers are fine, but if you have any suggestions for the future let me know.
  • Using the grading specifications on this page, discuss briefly the grade you would give yourself and why. Discuss each item in the grading specification.
  • Any other concerns that you have. For instance, if you have a bug that you were unable to solve but you made progress, write that here. The more you articulate the problem the more partial credit you will receive (it is fine to leave this blank).

Assignment Rubric

Description Pre-Emerging (< 50%) Beginning (50%) Progressing (85%) Proficient (100%)
Forming the Research Question (20%) Presents a question that is not answerable from a consideration of research literature (for example, a superficial statement of opinion). Presents a reasonable research question about the applicability of CS across the disciplines, but presents the question in a one-sided way (such that the answer is trivially in the affirmative or in the negative). Demonstrates a reasonable research question about teaching and learning CS across the disciplines. A thesis statement is provided in response to the research question. Demonstrates a comprehensive research question about the applicability of CS curricular material in non-CS classrooms, inclusive pedagogy, and the potential risks and opportunities. A thesis statement is provided in response to the research question.
Literature Analysis (20%) No critical analysis of relevant literature is offered in support of the research question and/or thesis statement. Reasonable critical analysis of the Pollock paper that is considered in the context of the research question and thesis statement. Reasonable critical analysis of the Pollock paper that is considered in the context of the research question and thesis statement, and at least a summary level of detail about other relevant literature. Thorough and critical analysis of relevant literature, including the article by Pollock, that identifies key themes, contradictions, and gaps in the literature.
Synthesis (20%) The papers are treated individually without synthesis or conclusions with respect to the research question. Some connections are made between the articles considered that support the research question in the form of a survey. Literature is synthesized for common themes in support of the research question and thesis statement. Strong consideration of the relevant literature on the whole to propose well-considered opportunities, risks, and mitigation strategies. Demonstrates creativity and insight in envisioning possibilities.
References (20%) References are not appropriate or are not clearly cited in the paper. Appropriate references are provided require re-writing to provide proper citations. References are provided in a quantity and relevance to suggest cohesion. Few errors in the use of a citation standard. References are provided in a quantity and relevance to support the theme of the paper. Consistent use of a citation standard format (e.g., APA, MLA).
Organization and Writing Quality (20%) At least two of the following are missing from the paper, or are written in an unclear manner - introduction, conclusion, and abstract. An introduction, conclusion, or abstract are missing from the paper. Writing lacks formality, structure, and/or syntax. Generally clear writing with minor inconsistencies in structure or citation format. Few grammatical errors. A cohesive abstract, introduction, and conclusion are provided. Clear, concise, and well-structured writing. A cohesive abstract, introduction, and conclusion are provided. Error-free grammar and syntax.

Please refer to the Style Guide for code quality examples and guidelines.