CS471: Computer Science Pedagogy - Learning by Discovery: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning in Computer Science (CS-POGIL)

Activity Goals

The goals of this activity are:
  1. To use the POGIL method to teach computing concepts in a way that thoughtfully engages students in small groups

The Activity


Consider the activity models and answer the questions provided. First reflect on these questions on your own briefly, before discussing and comparing your thoughts with your group. Appoint one member of your group to discuss your findings with the class, and the rest of the group should help that member prepare their response. Answer each question individually from the activity, and compare with your group to prepare for our whole-class discussion. After class, think about the questions in the reflective prompt and respond to those individually in your notebook. Report out on areas of disagreement or items for which you and your group identified alternative approaches. Write down and report out questions you encountered along the way for group discussion.

Guiding Questions

  • What is the core tenet of POGIL?
  • Take on POGIL roles and follow the example lesson at the bottom of this page.
  • How does the model provide insight about how to answer each of the guided questions?
  • Create a POGIL lesson for converting binary numbers to decimal.

Model 1: Exploring Compression via Pixel Pandemonium

Refer to this class activity called Pixel Pandemonium, developed by Jeffrey L. Popyack and William M. Mongan. Assign role cards to each member of your group to discuss and answer the following questions, and prepare to share them with the class.


  1. Share the total number of bytes (integers) used to encode the uncompressed and compressed versions of this image. What is the compression ratio?
  2. Which image tiles feature the best compression? What do they have in common?
  3. Which image tiles feature the worst compression, and why?
  4. Is this compression lossless? In other words, can the original data be re-created exactly from only the compressed encoding?
  5. Do you think it is always necessary to have lossy compression for images and sound? When might they? What are some applications that require lossless compression?
  6. Suppose you had to use the same color in each row and/or column of this image. What arrangement would provide the best compression, and which would yield the worst?

Learning by Discovery: Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning in Computer Science (CS-POGIL)

Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning (POGIL) is an educational approach that promotes active learning and concept development through guided inquiry in small groups. CS-POGIL specifically applies this method to Computer Science education, providing students with opportunities to learn by discovering concepts and solving problems collaboratively.

This report aims to provide an overview of CS-POGIL, including its principles, benefits, and implementation strategies. Key references, including CS-POGIL materials and additional scholarly articles, will be summarized and cited throughout the report.

CS-POGIL: An Overview

CS-POGIL, short for Computer Science-Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning, is an instructional strategy that utilizes active learning and collaborative group work to engage students in the learning process. It is based on the principles of POGIL, which emphasizes the use of guided inquiry activities to develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills in students.

CS-POGIL creates an environment where students actively explore, analyze, and construct their understanding of computer science concepts. By working in groups, students have the opportunity to exchange ideas, ask questions, and learn from each other’s perspectives. This not only enhances their learning experience but also promotes teamwork and communication skills.

CS-POGIL Roles and Role Cards

The CS-POGIL Roles and Role Cards resource provides guidelines for implementing CS-POGIL activities in the classroom. It introduces a set of predefined roles that students can assume during group work to facilitate collaboration and maximize engagement. The roles include:

  1. Facilitator / Manager
  2. Recorder
  3. Spokesperson / Presenter
  4. Process observer / Strategy Analyst / Reflector

The facilitator encourages group participation and ensures that everyone is actively engaged in the learning process. The recorder takes notes and records the group’s findings. The spokesperson presents the group’s ideas, solutions, and conclusions to the rest of the class. The process observer observes and assesses the group dynamics and interactions.

The use of role cards helps students understand and fulfill their respective roles effectively. The specific responsibilities and expectations associated with each role are outlined in the CS-POGIL Roles and Role Cards resource. Roles should be rotated regularly among the group members.

Sample Lesson Plan: Understanding Data Compression through POGIL


Students will understand the concept of data compression, its types (lossy and lossless), and its applications in computing.


90 minutes


  • Pre-prepared POGIL activity sheets
  • Computers with compression software (e.g., WinRAR, 7-Zip)
  • Sample files for compression (text, image, audio)

Pre-Class Preparation:

  • Divide students into groups of 4.
  • Prepare POGIL activity sheets with guided inquiry questions.
  • Ensure that the necessary software and files are available on the computers.

Lesson Structure:

Introduction (10 minutes)

  • Introduce the concept of data compression.
  • Explain the importance of data compression in computing.
  • Briefly describe the POGIL method and the collaborative nature of the activity.

Activity 1: Exploring Compression (30 minutes)

  • Task: Students will compress a text file using different compression algorithms.
  • Guided Questions:
    • What is the original size of the file?
    • What is the size after compression?
    • What is the compression ratio?
    • How does the choice of algorithm affect the compression ratio?
  • Discussion: Facilitate a class discussion on the observations.

Activity 2: Lossy vs. Lossless Compression (30 minutes)

  • Task: Students will compress an image file using both lossy and lossless compression methods.
  • Guided Questions:
    • What are the differences between the original and compressed images?
    • How does lossy compression affect the quality?
    • What are the applications of lossy and lossless compression?
  • Discussion: Facilitate a class discussion on the differences between lossy and lossless compression.

Activity 3: Ethical Considerations (10 minutes)

  • Task: Students will discuss the ethical considerations of data compression, especially in the context of media and information dissemination.
  • Guided Questions:
    • What are the ethical implications of using lossy compression in journalism or medical imaging?
    • How can data compression be used responsibly?
  • Discussion: Facilitate a class discussion on the ethical considerations.

Conclusion (10 minutes)

  • Summarize the key concepts learned.
  • Discuss real-world applications of data compression.
  • Assign a reflective essay or project on implementing a simple compression algorithm.


  • Formative assessment through observation during activities.
  • Summative assessment through a reflective essay or project.


Encourage students to reflect on the process of inquiry and collaboration. Discuss how the POGIL method facilitated their understanding of data compression.


I encourage you to submit your answers to the questions (and ask your own questions!) using the Class Activity Questions discussion board. You may also respond to questions or comments made by others, or ask follow-up questions there. Answer any reflective prompt questions in the Reflective Journal section of your OneNote Classroom personal section. You can find the link to the class notebook on the syllabus.