CS376: Operating Systems - Debugging and Memory Management in C (100 Points)

Assignment Goals

The goals of this assignment are:
  1. Apply dynamic memory allocation for primitive data types using malloc()
  2. Manage memory for arrays of strings
  3. Apply pointer arithmetic to implement and reinforce sorting algorithms
  4. Manipulate linked lists using their underlying memory structures
  5. Demonstrate the underlying memory implementation of dynamic array structures
  6. Demonstrate that arrays cannot grow on their own because they are fixed in memory

Background Reading and References

Please refer to the following readings and examples offering templates to help get you started:

The Assignment

Part 1: C Programming and Pointer Arithmetic

  1. Define an int* pointer variable, and create an array of 10 integers using malloc(). Then, assign values to that array, print their values, and free() the integers. Verify that your program does not leak memory by running it against valgrind (and include the report you get from valgrind in your submission).

  2. Using malloc(), create a char** pointer that contains 10 char*’s, then in a loop, initialize each of the 10 char*’s to a char array of size 15, and initialize each to a word of your choice (don’t forget the null terminator \0) – and print them to screen. Again, free all your malloc’s, and verify the result with valgrind. Use strcpy to copy a string into a char*, or, to create more interesting strings, you can use sprintf like this: sprintf(a[i], "%s %d", "Bill", i); creates the string Bill with the counter i appended to it after a space.

  3. Write a function sort() that takes in an int* a and int size, and sorts the array using pointer arithmetic. That is, you should not use array notation a[n] to refer to elements in your array, but rather direct pointer addressing *(a+n)

  4. Write another function to take in a linked list of structs that you create (with an int data element, and a struct ListNode*), and sort the linked list. Note that you should swap the actual nodes and not just the values within those nodes. More Details about the swap routine are given below.

Swapping Linked List Nodes

Consider the following scenario using a doubly linked list (a linked list with both prev and next pointers so that you can point to both your previous and next neighbors). If you turned this logic into a subroutine called, say, swap, then you could pass nodes B and D to this function and update the entire list.

  • The initial doubly linked List is: A->B->C->D->E, and we wish to swap nodes B and D.
    • A: next = B
    • B: prev = A, next = C
    • C: prev = B, next = D
    • D: prev = C, next = E
    • E: prev = D
  • Update the neighbors of B and D:
    • A’s next should point to D, since D will follow A after the swap (where B used to be)
    • E’s prev should point to B, since B will come before E after the swap (where D used to be)
    • C’s prev should point to D, since D will come before C after the swap (where B used to be)
    • C’s next should point to B, since B will come after C after the swap (where D used to be)
  • Update the pointers from B and D:
    • B’s prev should become D’s current prev, which is C
    • B’s next should be D’s current next, which is E
    • D’s prev should beocme B’s current prev, which is A
    • D’s next should be B’s current next, which is C
  • The final list structure is: A->D->C->B->E, with the following pointers:
    • A: next = D
    • D: prev = A, next = C
    • C: prev = D, next = B
    • B: prev = C, next = E
    • E: prev = B

Keep in mind, however, that in the general case, there may be some additional considerations, such as:

  • Some of the neighbors of these nodes may be NULL (for example, if the node you are swapping is at the beginning or end of the list). Any time you perform an operation that dereferences a pointer (that is, *a, a->x, or a[i]), make sure the pointer a is not NULL with an if statement. Otherwise, you’ll get a segmentation fault.
  • The nodes being swapped may be adjacent (so the next and prev pointers are shared)
  • The nodes being swapped do not share a common neighbor (C in this example)

You’ll want to check for and test these boundary cases. Draw yourself a diagram of this scenario, showing each step, and draw diagrams for the boundary cases to see how they differ.

Linked List Node Swapping Implementation Strategy

The goal of our swap function is to interchange two nodes (node1 and node2) within the list without altering the actual data contained within any node. This function needs to handle two primary scenarios:

  1. Swapping adjacent nodes.
  2. Swapping non-adjacent nodes.

Additionally, the function must correctly update the head of the list if either of the nodes being swapped is the first node in the list.

To do this, the prototype of your swap function will look like this, where struct ListNode is a doubly-linked list with prev and next pointers:

void swap(struct ListNode **head, struct ListNode *node1, struct ListNode *node2);

head is passed as a struct ListNode ** because it is a pointer to a struct ListNode, but itself must be passed as a pointer so that it can be dereferenced for assignment (i.e., *head = something).

First, check if *head is equal to node1 or node2. If so, you’ll want to set *head to the other node, since we’re swapping with that node. That way, the head will still point to the beginning of the list.

Next, check if the nodes are adjacent (by asking if node1->next is node2 or vice-versa), and execute either the adjacent nodes algorithm or the non-adjacent nodes algorithm below depending on what you find.

Adjacent Nodes

When node1 and node2 are adjacent, the function must carefully update the pointers to maintain the integrity of the list. This involves:

  • Ensuring node1 is always to the left of node2 to simplify logic.
  • Correctly updating the prev and next pointers of node1, node2, and their neighboring nodes.
  • Updating the head pointer if node1 was the head of the list at the start of the function (now it is node2); since we ensured that node1 comes first in the adjacent scenario, we don’t have to check node2.

To simplify our logic, let’s ensure that node1 points to node2 in the case where they’re adjacent. if the nodes are adjacent and node2 points to node1, perform a standard swap so that we always swap adjacent nodes left to right:

struct ListNode* tmp;
tmp = node1;
node1 = node2;
node2 = tmp;

To update the pointers, let’s assume node1 and node2 are the nodes to be swapped, and node1 is directly before node2 in the list. The pointers to be updated include node1->prev, node1->next, node2->prev, node2->next, and potentially the head of the list if node1 is the first node. Then:

  • If node1->prev exists (meaning node1 is not the head), set node1->prev->next to node2 to link the previous node to node2.
  • If node2->next exists, set node2->next->prev to node1 to ensure the node after node2 now points back to node1.
  • Set node2->prev to node1->prev to link node2 to the previous node of node1.
  • Set node1->next to node2->next to link node1 to the next node of node2.
  • Set node1->prev to node2 and node2->next to node1 to complete the swap by directly linking node1 and node2.

Non-Adjacent Nodes

For non-adjacent nodes, the function performs a more generalized swap. It involves:

  • Storing the prev and next pointers of both nodes to temporary variables.
  • Updating the pointers of the nodes surrounding node1 and node2 to point to the correct nodes after the swap.
  • Updating the head pointer if node1 or node2 was the head of the list at the start of the function (now it is the other node). If node1 was the head (node1->prev is NULL), update head to node2, and vice-versa for node2.

Updating the individual node pointers in the case of non-adjacent nodes, you have to deal with more pointers since the nodes are not directly linked to each other. You must update the pointers of node1 and node2, as well as those of their previous and next nodes.

Make temporary variables to hold the original node neighbors, since we’ll be changing them (but also revising these later):

  • temp1 stores node1->prev
  • temp2 stores node1->next
  • temp3 stores node2->prev
  • temp4 stores node2->next

Then, update node1 as shown below, and also update node2 in a similar way:

  • If node1->prev is not NULL, set node1->prev->next to node2 to link the previous node of node1 to node2.
  • Similarly, if node1->next exists, set node1->next->prev to node2.

Finally, update the immediate node neighbors to the temporaries we stored earlier:

  • Set node1->prev to temp3 (the original prev of node2).
  • Set node1->next to temp4 (the original next of node2).
  • Set node2->prev to temp1 (the original prev of node1).
  • Set node2->next to temp2 (the original next of node1).


Be sure to test your swap function with a linked list, by swapping adjacent nodes, non-adjacent nodes, the head of the list, and other test cases. Do this before attempting to use it in your sort function.

Part 2: Implementing the ArrayList Structure

I recommend creating a struct to represent your ArrayList, which contains a pointer to the array, the current size of the array (for example, large enough to hold 10 ints), and the number of elements currently stored in the array (initially 0).

Write a program that, using malloc() and realloc(), creates an empty array of initial size n=10. Write add(), remove() and get() functions for your structure which manipulate the array accordingly. When adding beyond the end of the array, reallocate space such that the array contains one more element.

Reallocating the Array Size Dynamically

Note that the add function might call realloc, and if so, you’ll update the parameter for your maximum array size. For now, increase the maximum size by 1 every time you need to realloc.

Being Careful about Modifying Function Parameters

C uses pass-by-value semantics, so modifications to local parameters are made to local copies of those parameter values; they do not update the variable in the calling function. So, if you are using a struct to represent your ArrayList, you can simply pass a pointer to that structure, and you can freely update the fields inside that struct. You can, for example, set myArrayList->array = realloc... assuming myArrayList is a struct ArrayList *, and those changes will persist when your function returns.

However, if you pass the array directly, you’ll need pass the array as an int** – a pointer to the variable that contains the pointer to your array. This way, you can modify the parameter as if it was passed by reference. Although you can pass an int * array parameter to a function and make statements like a[i] = 0;, this is because this statement is equivalent to *(a+i) = 0;, which does indeed dereference the pointer to the address!

A good rule of thumb is that if you ever have a statement like x = something; where x is a local parameter, you’ll want to dereference it so that the modification persists beyond the function call. That means passing a pointer to the parameter, even if the parameter itself is already a pointer. So, if x is an int, pass an int *, and if x is an int *, pass an int**. Then, update your statement to *x = something;.

Experimenting with the Program’s Performance

Time your program (using the command time ./a.out ...) for adding 100000 elements (or more).

Then, modify the program such that it increases in size by a factor of 2 times the previous size. Time it again. What do you observe?

Extra Credit (15%): Adding Items to and Removing Items from the Middle of an Array

It is fine to simply add and remove from the end of the array for this assignment. If you are adding or removing to the middle of an array, you’ll need to shift the remaining elements right or left to make room for the newly added element, or to remove the outgoing one. The memcpy function can help you to shift the array elements around. Consider the function prototype:

#include <stdlib.h>
void *memmove(void *dest, const void *src, size_t size);

Be sure your dest address and size parameters reflect the size of the type you are moving. That is, if you are moving an int, then you will want to multiply the offset shift amount by sizeof(int).

To remove an item from the middle (say, from index n), you can shift the array starting at the address of src[n] to the left by 1. You’ll need to calculate these addresses like you did in Part 1, Problem 3 above. You’ll also need to calculate the size (the number of bytes to move): this is all the elements from position n to the end of the list, multiplied by sizeof(int). Similarly, to add an item to the middle, you could shift all the elements starting from address src[n+1] to the end of the array, to a destination address that is one sizeof(int) more than the source address. As a hint, shifting to the right involves shifting to a destination address that is greater than the source address; shifting to the left is a shift to a destination address that is less than the source address. Don’t forget to update the number of elements in the array in both the add and remove cases, and be sure to resize the array if needed when adding.

Part 3: Bug Hunt

For each example, run the program, and run it through the step debugger and valgrind to determine the bugs. Provide the commands you ran and the reports you got, describe the problem, and fix the code!

Step 1

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char buffer[10];
    for (int i = 0; i <= 10; i++) {
        buffer[i] = 'a'; 
    printf("Buffer: %s\n", buffer);
    return 0;

Step 2

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    char src[] = "hello";
    char dest[5]; 
    strcpy(dest, src); 
    printf("Dest: %s\n", dest);
    return 0;

Step 3

#include <stdio.h>

int main() {
    char *ptr = NULL; 
    printf("%c\n", *ptr); 
    return 0;


In your submission, please include answers to any questions asked on the assignment page in your README file. If you wrote code as part of this assignment, please describe your design, approach, and implementation in your README file as well. Finally, include answers to the following questions:
  • Describe what you did, how you did it, what challenges you encountered, and how you solved them.
  • Please answer any questions found throughout the narrative of this assignment.
  • If collaboration with a buddy was permitted, did you work with a buddy on this assignment? If so, who? If not, do you certify that this submission represents your own original work?
  • Please identify any and all portions of your submission that were not originally written by you (for example, code originally written by your buddy, or anything taken or adapted from a non-classroom resource). It is always OK to use your textbook and instructor notes; however, you are certifying that any portions not designated as coming from an outside person or source are your own original work.
  • Approximately how many hours it took you to finish this assignment (I will not judge you for this at all...I am simply using it to gauge if the assignments are too easy or hard)?
  • Your overall impression of the assignment. Did you love it, hate it, or were you neutral? One word answers are fine, but if you have any suggestions for the future let me know.
  • Using the grading specifications on this page, discuss briefly the grade you would give yourself and why. Discuss each item in the grading specification.
  • Any other concerns that you have. For instance, if you have a bug that you were unable to solve but you made progress, write that here. The more you articulate the problem the more partial credit you will receive (it is fine to leave this blank).

Assignment Rubric

Description Pre-Emerging (< 50%) Beginning (50%) Progressing (85%) Proficient (100%)
Program Correctness (40%) Program does not compile or runs with critical errors that prevent functionality testing. Program compiles but has major functional errors or missing key components. Program runs with minor errors. Basic functionality is implemented, but there are issues in output or behavior. Program runs correctly with no errors. All specified functionalities are correctly implemented and produce accurate results.
Memory Management (20%) Numerous memory leaks and errors. No evidence of effort to manage memory correctly. Some memory leaks are evident. Minimal effort to manage memory is observed. Minor memory leaks. Demonstrates an understanding of memory management, but with some oversights. No memory leaks. Efficient and correct use of memory management techniques. Valgrind report is clean with no issues reported.
Valgrind Reports (10%) No Valgrind report submitted or report shows critical memory management issues. Valgrind report submitted, but shows several memory management issues. Valgrind report indicates minor memory issues, demonstrating some proficiency in memory management. Clean Valgrind report with no memory errors or leaks, indicating thorough and effective memory management.
Implementation of Arraylist Structures (20%) Incomplete or incorrect implementation of both versions of the arraylist structure. Basic implementation of one version of the arraylist structure, but with significant errors or omissions. Correct implementation of one version of the arraylist structure, or partial implementation of both versions. Correct and efficient implementation of both versions of the arraylist structure.
Writeup and Submission (10%) An incomplete submission is provided The program is submitted, but not according to the directions in one or more ways (for example, because it is lacking a readme writeup or missing answers to written questions) The program is submitted according to the directions with a minor omission or correction needed, including a readme writeup describing the solution and answering nearly all questions posed in the instructions The program is submitted according to the directions, including a readme writeup describing the solution and answering all questions posed in the instructions

Please refer to the Style Guide for code quality examples and guidelines.