CS376: Operating Systems - FAT File System (100 Points)

Assignment Goals

The goals of this assignment are:
  1. Develop a comprehensive understanding of the FAT12 file system, encompassing its structure, organization, and key components, including reserved sectors, FATs, and the root directory.
  2. Apply analytical skills to interact with a file system at the binary level, involving the calculation of offsets, interpretation of binary data, and utilization of tools like hexdump for scrutinizing directory entries.
  3. Demonstrate the ability to create functional programs capable of enumerating all files within a FAT12 disk image and extracting their contents to the local filesystem.
  4. Employ principles of code modularity and best practices in program development, encompassing the creation of structured helper functions, adherence to coding standards, and the efficient handling of data.
  5. Apply problem-solving skills and critical thinking to address challenges associated with little-endian representation, parsing 12-bit entries, and potential exploration of advanced tasks such as subdirectory support, while critically evaluating program design and performance.

Background Reading and References

Please refer to the following readings and examples offering templates to help get you started:

The Assignment

We have been asked to recover data from floppies that use an old version of Microsoft’s DOS file system called FAT12 (i.e. does not have support for long file names, so you can consider all files to have names of up to 8 characters with a 3 character extension). The entire contents of these floppies have been extracted and are stored as separate Unix files. However, the data files within each floppy volume are still stored within the Unix file in the format used by the MSDOS file system.

You will read the MSDOS FAT12 file system specification so that you can create programs that will be able to write the following two programs:

  1. List all the files on the disk image
  2. (Extra Credit) Extract the contents of those files to your local filesystem.

Listing the File Entries

For example, assuming that the floppy image was named samplefat.bin, we should be able to do the following:

% msdosdir samplefat.bin
 Volume name is DISK      2
 Volume Serial Number is 16E0-1E1F

ADDNAME  EX_        14,032 08-31-94  12:00a
AVEXTRA  TXT           399 02-28-94  10:19a
DNR      EX_        17,336 12-16-94   6:47p
EMSBFR   EX_         1,407 08-31-94  12:00a
HOSTS                  715 08-31-94   7:37p
IPCONFIG EX_         8,509 08-31-94  12:00a
LICENSE  TXT         2,925 03-28-95   5:23p
LMHOSTS                817 08-31-94   7:36p
NEMM     DO_         1,764 08-31-94  12:00a
NETBIND  COM         8,513 08-31-94  12:00a
NETWORKS               395 08-31-94   6:52p
NMTSR    EX_        12,434 08-31-94  12:00a
PING     EX_        47,277 08-31-94  12:00a
PROTOCOL               795 08-31-94   6:52p
SERVICES             5,973 05-08-95   2:34p
SOCKETS  EX_        27,497 09-01-94   1:22p
TCPDRV   DO_         2,810 08-31-94  12:00a
TCPTSR   EX_        48,433 08-31-94  12:00a
TCPUTILS INI           233 08-31-94  12:00a
TINYRFC  EX_        23,561 12-01-94   7:39p
UMB      CO_         2,353 08-31-94  12:00a
VBAPI    386         9,524 08-31-94  12:00a
VSOCKETS 386         9,535 08-31-94  12:00a
WINSOCK  DL_        25,236 01-23-95   3:21p
WIN_SOCK DL_        16,122 08-31-94  12:00a
WSAHDAPP EX_         3,271 08-31-94  12:00a
WSOCKETS DL_        15,862 08-31-94  12:00a
       27 file(s)        307,728 bytes
% msdosextr samplefat.bin
Extracting: 27 files
% ls
DNR.EX_       LMHOSTS       PING.EX_      TCPTSR.EX_    VSOCKETS.386  sample.flp

What to Do

Do not begin by writing code to actually read the binary file system dump. Instead, consider the data structures required to implement such a program. In other words, think about your design first (but you knew that!). To give you an idea of what I’m talking about, I have provided one such header file for the boot sector of the disk, which you are not required to use. This header was designed by inspecting the various fields in this sector of the disk, and having fields in the data structure that correspond to fields in the sector. Thus, populating this data structure should be as easy as reading the file byte for byte at that sector, and populating the fields (which can then be printed, etc.). Note that you don’t need everything that is defined in this structure; it’s just there for illustration. The int imagestream is a file handle to the fat dump so that the file can be opened, read, etc. right from this structure for convenience.

Boot Sector Data Structure

The boot sector is defined as follows:

 * BootStrapSector is the first 512 bytes of the FAT.
 * Two byte fields are little-endian
 * The format of this sector is:
 * byte(s) contents
 * ------- -------------------------------------------------------
 *  0-2 first instruction of bootstrap routine
 *  3-10 OEM name
 *  11-12 number of bytes per sector
 *  13 number of sectors per cluster
 *  14-15 number of reserved sectors
 *  16 number of copies of the file allocation table
 *  17-18 number of entries in root directory
 *  19-20 total number of sectors
 *  21 media descriptor byte
 *  22-23 number of sectors in each copy of file allocation table
 *  24-25 number of sectors per track
 *  26-27 number of sides
 *  28-29 number of hidden sectors
 *  30-509 bootstrap routine and partition information
 *  510 hexadecimal 55
 *  511 hexadecimal AA

typedef unsigned char BYTE; // BYTE is just an unsigned char, a single byte numeric value

struct BootStrapSector {
    BYTE firstInstruction[3];  // This is often a jump instruction to the boot sector code itself
    BYTE OEM[8];  		
    BYTE numBytesPerSector[2];
    BYTE numSectorsPerCluster[1];
    BYTE numReservedSectors[2];
    BYTE numCopiesFAT[1];
    BYTE numEntriesRootDir[2];
    BYTE numSectors[2];
    BYTE mediaDescriptor[1];
    BYTE numSectorsInFAT[2];
    BYTE numSectorsPerTrack[2];
    BYTE numSides[2];
    BYTE numHiddenSectors[2];
    BYTE bootcode[480]; // may include additional metadata
    BYTE signature[2];	// the last bytes of the boot sector are, by definition, 55 AA.  This is a sanity check.


Begin by saving this into a BootStrapSector.h header file, and you can #include "BootStrapSector.h" from your main.c program file.

If you fopen the disk image file, malloc a BootStrapSector, and fread from the disk image into this data structure, you’ll read all these values automatically! To convert a single BYTE to an integer, simply cast it to an int. If you have a 2 byte value, you can convert it to its corresponding integer value by shifting the upper byte and adding the lower byte; for example:

unsigned int result = (unsigned int)(sector.numSectorsInFAT[1] << 8) | (unsigned int)(sector.numSectorsInFAT[0]);

For single byte values, you can simply set unsigned int result = (unsigned int)(sector.numSectorsInFAT[0]);. You can print an unsigned int using the %u placeholder to printf.

If you’d like to print a string, like the OEM value, you can pass the BYTE array to a function like this, which returns a null-terminated char* containing the contents of your byte array that you can print as normal:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

 * Copies the contents of a char array into a newly allocated, null-terminated char*.
 * @param src The source character array.
 * @param size The number of characters in the source array to copy.
 * @return A pointer to the newly allocated, null-terminated character array.
 *         Returns NULL if memory allocation fails.
char* copyToNullTerminatedCharPtr(const char src[], size_t size) {
    // Allocate memory for the characters plus a null terminator
    char* dest = (char*)malloc((size + 1) * sizeof(char));
    if (dest == NULL) {
        // Handle memory allocation failure
        fprintf(stderr, "Memory allocation failed\n");
        return NULL;

    // Copy the characters from src to dest
    memcpy(dest, src, size);

    // Null-terminate the string
    dest[size] = '\0';

    return dest;

Root Directory Data Structure

After the boot sector is the FAT. You know how many sectors are in the FAT from the values above. You also know how many copies of the FAT there are, and how many bytes are in each sector. Multiplying these values together, you can find the offset of the root directory. Specifically, this formula will give you the byte offset, with which you can fseek and fread root directory entries.

unsigned int byte_offset_of_root_dir = (num_reserved_sectors + (num_copies_FAT * num_sectors_in_FAT)) * num_bytes_per_sector;

You can obtain these integer values from the boot sector fields above by casting and converting the BYTE values of these fields to int.

Calculate this offset, fseek to this offset within the file from the beginning of the file (SEEK_SET), create a data structure for the root directory, and do a loop of fread calls into that following data structure. You know how many root directory entries there are from the boot sector values above as well, so you can loop the appropriate number of times to do these reads. You can use the following reference to create the data structure like we did above:

From https://www.cs.drexel.edu/~johnsojr/2012-13/fall/cs370/resources/UnderstandingFAT12.pdf
Offset Length Description
0x00 8 Filename
0x08 3 Extension
0x0B 1 Bit field for attributes
0x0C 10 Reserved
0x16 2 Time (coded as Hour*2048+Min*32+Sec/2)
0x18 2 Date (coded as Year-1980)*512+Month*32+Day)
0x1A 2 Starting Cluster Number
0x1C 4 File size (in bytes)

Note that some entries may be empty; you can restrict yourself to only the directory entry if dir->filename[0] >= 'A' && dir->filename[0] <= 'Z' to skip these empty entries.

Converting the Date and Time Fields

The following C program will manipulate the bites of the date and time fields to extract the file date and time. This example prints each to the screen; you will want to break this into separate functions for the date and the time that returns the result as a char* that you will malloc and populate with sprintf.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdint.h>

typedef unsigned char BYTE

void decodeFATDateTimeFromCharArray(BYTE time[2], BYTE date[2]) {
    // Convert char arrays to uint16_t, assuming little-endian format
    uint16_t encodedTime = (uint16_t)((unsigned char)time[1] << 8 | (unsigned char)time[0]);
    uint16_t encodedDate = (uint16_t)((unsigned char)date[1] << 8 | (unsigned char)date[0]);

    // Decoding time
    uint8_t hour = encodedTime >> 11; // Shift right 11 bits to get the first 5 bits
    uint8_t minute = (encodedTime >> 5) & 0x3F; // Shift right 5 bits and mask to get the next 6 bits
    uint8_t second = (encodedTime & 0x1F) * 2; // Mask to get the last 5 bits and then multiply by 2

    // Decoding date
    uint16_t year = (encodedDate >> 9) + 1980; // Shift right 9 bits to get the first 7 bits then add 1980
    uint8_t month = (encodedDate >> 5) & 0x0F; // Shift right 5 bits and mask to get the next 4 bits
    uint8_t day = encodedDate & 0x1F; // Mask to get the last 5 bits

    // Print decoded date and time
    printf("Decoded Date: %d-%02d-%02d\n", year, month, day);
    printf("Decoded Time: %02d:%02d:%02d\n", hour, minute, second);

int main() {
    // Example usage with char arrays:
    BYTE exampleTime[2] = {0x6f, 0x70}; // 14:03:30 in encoded form
    BYTE exampleDate[2] = {0x2f, 0x50}; // 2020-01-15 in encoded form

    decodeFATDateTimeFromCharArray(exampleTime, exampleDate);

    return 0;

Converting the File Size

You can convert the file size to an integer by shifting each byte into place in a 32 bit value, and compute the bitwise or of those bytes:

unsigned int fileSize = 0;
fileSize |= (unsigned int)sizeArray[0];   // Least significant byte
fileSize |= (unsigned int)sizeArray[1] << 8;
fileSize |= (unsigned int)sizeArray[2] << 16;
fileSize |= (unsigned int)sizeArray[3] << 24;  // Most significant byte

Extracting the File Data

The 12 in FAT12

There are a few silly nuances in the way the data is represented that you’ll want to make sure you’re aware of. Particularly, FAT12 stores things in 1.5 bytes, and you’ll need to shift and parse accordingly.

Versions of DOS before 3.00 used a file allocation table with 12-bit entries. Each group of three consecutive bytes contains two 12-bit entries, arranged as follows:

  1. The first byte contains the eight least significant bits of the first entry.
  2. The four least significant bits of the second byte contain the four most significant bits of the first entry.
  3. The four most significant bits of the second byte contain the four least significant bits of the second entry.
  4. The third byte contains the eight most significant bits of the second entry. In other words, if UV, WX and YZ are the hexadecimal representations of the three consecutive bytes, then the entries are XUV and YZW, respectively.

Write a function to help you with this, given a base address!

Simplifying Assumptions

It is not necessary to code this for a general case FAT filesystem! We’re looking to keep it simple for this assignment. Notice that there are no subdirectories on the filesystem you’re provided. You don’t have to program for subdirectories, etc. (but I’ll reward you if you do!). Just get me a program that lists the files in the FAT and extracts them to disk. Don’t totally hack it up – your program should be able to scale to a design that would support subdirectories; however, it is not necessary to actually implement them.

In addition, you can skip files that are marked as deleted. It would be fun to print these out in your list program, though!

Getting Started by Viewing the Image

Feel free to use a hex file viewer like hexdump to actually view the disk image and verify what you’re reading about in the image. This will help you make sense of “endian” issues (i.e. “why is 512 represented as 00 02?”)and how to read the individual bytes.

Using hexdump to Examine Directory Entries in a FAT12 File System

To examine directory entries in a FAT12 file system using hexdump, you’ll need to determine the location of the directory entry and then use hexdump to display the relevant data. Here are the steps:

What to Do

Step 1: Determine Directory Entry Location

  1. Understand FAT12 Structure: Familiarize yourself with the structure of a FAT12 file system. Directory entries are typically 32 bytes long and are located after reserved sectors, FATs, and the root directory.

  2. Calculate Offset:

    • Find the starting position of the directory entry within the file system. This requires knowledge of the number of reserved sectors, the size of each FAT, and the number of root directory entries. These values are specified in the boot sector of the FAT12 file system.

    • Use the following formula to calculate the offset in bytes:

      Offset = (ReservedSectors + NumberOfFATs * FATSize + RootDirEntries * 32) + EntryNumber * 32
    • Replace the variables with the appropriate values from the boot sector:

      • ReservedSectors: Number of reserved sectors.
      • NumberOfFATs: Number of File Allocation Tables (usually 2).
      • FATSize: Size of each FAT in sectors.
      • RootDirEntries: Number of entries in the root directory.
      • EntryNumber: The index of the directory entry you want to access (0 for the first entry, 1 for the second, and so on).

Step 2: Use hexdump to Display Directory Entry

  1. Run hexdump:
    • Open a terminal and use the hexdump command to display the directory entry data.
    • The -s option is used to skip to the calculated offset, and the -n option specifies the number of bytes to display (usually 32 for a full directory entry).
    hexdump -s Offset -n 32 -C YourFAT12Image.img

    Replace Offset with the calculated offset value and YourFAT12Image.img with the path to your FAT12 file image.

  2. Interpret the Output:
    • The hexdump command will display the directory entry data in hexadecimal format, along with the corresponding ASCII representation.
    • Each byte or group of bytes in the output corresponds to a specific attribute or field of the directory entry.
    • Refer to the FAT12 specification to interpret the values correctly.

By following these steps, you can use hexdump to view and analyze directory entries in a FAT12 file system, allowing you to inspect file attributes, names, and other relevant information.


  1. Carefully read the articles and specifications provided on this page! They are essential to learning the file format specifications you’ll need to read the FAT12 image file. If your data structures are correct, you just need to read sequential parts of the file into these data structures, and operating on them accordingly (i.e. read the file attributs/filename and print to screen, go to the appropriate data cluster, traverse the list, write the data to the disk, truncate that data, etc.).
  2. Write lots of helper functions! Have one to read a particular byte (or two bytes, or 12 bits) of data – and a flag to read it little or big endian. This way your entire program will just consist of small functions that call these helpers. In particular, I recommend writing the following helpers:
  3. Write a helper function to print out metadata about a file (particularly, to print a line of the msdoslist command)
  4. Write a helper function to print out metadata about the filesystem itself (particularly the header lines when you run msdoslist)
  5. Write a helper function to traverse the clusters for a given file and verify that they are correct (use a hex editor!). In other words, just list the clusters that you want to put together for a particular file before you actually write them, so that you can check your work.
  6. Write the file data clusters to disk, and truncate if you write too much (for example, if the last cluster is fragmented and thus does not use the whole cluster). You can use the filesize mod clustersize to determine how many bytes from the last cluster should be written. An even better solution is to pass this remainder directly to your write function when writing the last cluster in the file chain, so you’ll write exactly the number of bytes.

Wrap this up in a for loop for each entry found in msdoslist, and you have the extract program!


In your submission, please include answers to any questions asked on the assignment page in your README file. If you wrote code as part of this assignment, please describe your design, approach, and implementation in your README file as well. Finally, include answers to the following questions:
  • Describe what you did, how you did it, what challenges you encountered, and how you solved them.
  • Please answer any questions found throughout the narrative of this assignment.
  • If collaboration with a buddy was permitted, did you work with a buddy on this assignment? If so, who? If not, do you certify that this submission represents your own original work?
  • Please identify any and all portions of your submission that were not originally written by you (for example, code originally written by your buddy, or anything taken or adapted from a non-classroom resource). It is always OK to use your textbook and instructor notes; however, you are certifying that any portions not designated as coming from an outside person or source are your own original work.
  • Approximately how many hours it took you to finish this assignment (I will not judge you for this at all...I am simply using it to gauge if the assignments are too easy or hard)?
  • Your overall impression of the assignment. Did you love it, hate it, or were you neutral? One word answers are fine, but if you have any suggestions for the future let me know.
  • Using the grading specifications on this page, discuss briefly the grade you would give yourself and why. Discuss each item in the grading specification.
  • Any other concerns that you have. For instance, if you have a bug that you were unable to solve but you made progress, write that here. The more you articulate the problem the more partial credit you will receive (it is fine to leave this blank).

Assignment Rubric

Description Pre-Emerging (< 50%) Beginning (50%) Progressing (85%) Proficient (100%)
Program Correctness (30%) Code does not compile or execute, or produces critical errors. Code compiles and executes but contains significant logic errors, leading to incorrect results. Code compiles, executes, and produces correct results in most cases but may have minor issues. Code is correct, produces accurate results, and handles edge cases effectively.
Listing the FAT File Entries (20%) No evidence of listing FAT file entries. Partial listing of FAT file entries with major issues or inaccuracies. Successfully lists FAT file entries with minor issues or improvements needed. Accurately lists all FAT file entries with clear and well-organized output.
Extracting Files (20%) No evidence of file extraction. Partial file extraction with major issues or inaccuracies. Successfully extracts files with minor issues or improvements needed. Accurately extracts all files with proper handling of file data and formats.
Makefile (15%) Absence of a Makefile or Makefile does not compile or execute both programs. Partially functional Makefile with significant gaps in compiling or testing both programs. Functional Makefile that compiles and tests both programs but may lack automation or efficiency. A complete and efficient Makefile that automates compilation, testing, and cleanup effectively.
README (15%) Absence of a README or README lacks essential information. Partial README with significant gaps in explaining how to run the software and its development. Complete README with clear instructions on running the software and its development process. An exemplary README that provides comprehensive guidance on software execution, development, and design decisions.

Please refer to the Style Guide for code quality examples and guidelines.